Are Twice the Characters – Better for Business?
Tweets can now be up to 280 characters long. We know how hard it can be to get your business, product or service across in just 140 characters, so this sounds like good news. But we’ve been wondering… do you really need all 280 characters? Is it better for your business to express itself at length?
Twice as Engaging?
The beauty of Twitter is that it’s immediate. It’s a fast way to get your message out there to a time-poor audience.
But it’s important to remember that Twitter users scroll super-fast! Short tweets are usually more visually appealing, so unless you have a vital story to tell, we’d still recommend keeping it concise and punchy. It’s a much better idea to pique the reader’s interest on Twitter and direct them to your website to get the full story, using a link or call to action.
Our Twitter tips
- Use short, engaging copy. Online attention spans are really short.
- Say less but tweet more frequently. Old tweets quickly drop down the list on busy streams and won’t be read.
- Add an image or video to stop scrollers in their tracks.
The old 140-character limit meant users often had to edit their tweets to make them short enough. Editing distilled the message to the key facts, which helped to ‘cut the fluff’ and get to the point faster for maximum impact. Even if you choose to go for 280 characters with your tweets, shaper editing is a great habit to get into.
Get Authentic, but Stay Sharp
Authentic, believable content is the Holy Grail for tweets. Readers respond to real voices in a way they don’t to old-school advertising. But the copy you share has to work hard. Really hard.
We know that more and more businesses are turning to influencers to tweet about them, or they adapt their brand tone of voice slightly to sound more ‘real’. But we recommend caution. This natural style can lead to problems. Poor grammar or nonsensical copy will quickly damage your brand. Quality content, written with expertise, will always deliver the best engagement.
When 280 Characters can be Good for Business
Twitter works both ways. It helps you hear what people are saying and what they really think. So it’s a fast way to get feedback on products, services and your company in general.
If you really want to get to grips with what your brand means to your customers – read their Tweets at least as often as you post your own. It helps to close the communication gap, creating personal dialogue between your audience and the people at the heart of your business and even those at the very top.
Sending a customer a personal reply when they’ve engaged with your brand is a brilliant way to gain their trust and appreciation, even if they originally got in touch to complain. What better way to show off great customer service than by dealing with customer issues promptly, and publicly, and being seen to genuinely care.
And that is when having an extra 140 characters might just be a good thing. Whatever you think, crafting a succinct tweet in 140 or even 280 characters is an art form.
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