Brand insight
We’re driven by deeper intelligence. We’re big advocates of evidence and the positive impact it can make on your marketing and brand ambitions.

Informing your strategy
By commissioning bespoke research or analysing data we can extract unique intelligence to provide you with consumer insight. This will help you make informed decisions on how to adapt your strategy so that you’re better placed to succeed.
Define, refine and test
Developing unique intelligence based on your business can also provide invaluable insight into new territories and markets. We use this to help define, refine and test commercial and marketing objectives and develop a unique and compelling proposition for your brand, product or service.
Insight into what makes a brand, product or service work is often the hidden – yet defining – factor between success and failure.
Seeking moments of truth
Identifying these hidden moments of truth are invaluable to establishing brand relevance and creating stronger strategies for your communications. We use brand insight, research and data to make your propositions and campaigns more effective in delivering better commercial results and ROI.

Better understanding your customers
Interpreting trends in human behaviour can greatly increase the effectiveness of your product, service or brand experience. People buy from people, so the more human and relevant your proposition, the better chance of engaging your target audience. We can help you create detailed personas through consumer insights. This builds a clear picture and deeper understanding of the people who are central to your brand or campaign success.
Evaluation and refinement
Analysing market intelligence can also highlight what works — and what doesn’t. We can identify specific areas for improvement and create better brand experiences as a result. Working together, we fine-tune touchpoints, adjust media, test propositions and messaging to engage your audiences and grow your market share.
Want to talk to somebody about your next project?
61% of consumers aged 18 to 34 have at some point been swayed in their decision-making by digital influencers
Source: Marketingweek
Numbers don’t lie
Reviewing and analysing every project enables us to be even more effective in the future. Collating data over time and creating solid, comprehensive reports showing visitor conversion rates, percentage increases and so on, enables us to measure the effectiveness and quantify the marketing activity month-on-month, year-on-year.
Establishing unique and memorable propositions
So, whether we’re using brand insight, research or data that we’ve commissioned on your behalf, or working with your own appointed agency, our expert team can help. They’ll use the information to inform the process, and blend hard data and emotional intelligence found from consumer insights, to create campaigns that resonate with your customers in a way they will remember.

We can also help you with:
- Analytics
- Data
- Research