We’re transforming workspaces to help BT create a sense of pride and belonging for their people.

Workplace environments can have an enormous impact on employee wellbeing, performance and productivity. We’ve been working with BT for a number of years to help them inspire, empower and reconnect employees with the brand, right across the business. Through the redesign of their interiors, we’re creating workspaces that help BT people positively embrace the direction of the brand as it evolves.
+36 point shift in employees’ perception of their workplace and value to BT.
Evidencing the impact of morale on performance
Insight gleaned from research revealed the need for significant changes in how the BT brand is communicated internally, to enable positive engagement and brand advocacy. Through our interpretation of the brand, via transformational environment programmes, we’ve helped to shape BT interiors that motivate and inspire their people.

A focus on brand to lead a cultural shift and bring about positive behavioural changes across the business.

Empowering brand pride
We created a branded workplace solution to unify all BT operations in the UK. We ensured it was accessible, functional and flexible enough to work across all of BT’s business units, their diverse operations and sites.
Our flexible framework and guidelines reflect the core brand values, business objectives and reasons to believe in BT.
Creating a positive change
Our interior design framework echoes the brand personality. It elevates the straightforward language, messaging and imagery to connect, inspire and inform BT people. It delivers clarity around BT’s strategy and its commitment to customer experience. It also ensures that its diverse, global business functions are all unified under the main parent brand.

To date, we’ve transformed over 180 BT sites across the UK.