Using compelling stories to attract and inspire new undergraduate students.

We created a multi-channel campaign for the The University of Leicester to showcase their wealth of talent. We created the ‘I’m somebody’ campaign as a platform for students and academics to tell their amazing stories. It provided a ringing endorsement of the university as a place where people can achieve great things and realise their full potential.
Creating a point of difference
The ‘I’m somebody’ campaign is evidence-based and moved away from what the university call ‘artificial measures of performances’, such as league tables, which are used extensively by many of its competitors. This new approach created unique and ownable content which gave the university a real point of difference in the market place.
With the focus on the individuals, we were able to reinforce the university’s strong focus on nurturing talent and diversity, we celebrated staff and students from differing ethnic backgrounds, age groups or with differing physical abilities.

Doing things differently
Using a bespoke glass screen, we filmed the students and academic’s story unfold before your eyes. The footage was then inverted so it appears they are writing on thin air. We also captured each person’s actual handwriting and converted it into unique assets, for use across all the supporting campaign materials.
The University of Leicester is renowned for research and is placed amongst the top 20 English Universities.
Source: Times Higher Education World University Rankings, 2016

Reaching a varied audience
This multi-channel campaign utilised online programmatic advertising, social media channels, as well as digital, print and outdoor media to target, engage and inspire new students, teachers and parents.

I’m impressed with how the Michon team have taken our brief and turned this into an inspirational multi-channel campaign
Director of Marketing and Student Recruitment, University of Leicester