Successfully marketing new boilers for E.ON during the longest heatwave for 42 years.

Traditionally known for selling gas and electricity, E.ON are shifting their business to be a total energy solutions provider. As part of this activity, we created an e-marketing campaign to promote E.ON’s latest energy efficient boilers and finance options. Using insight-focused creative, we out-performed their previous best-performing email for the same promotion over 200%.
Our best performing
email achieved an
increase of 272%
for click through rates.
Understanding the audience
Getting customers to upgrade their boiler during the hottest period on record was the challenge. So, it was vital to understand what motivated those who might choose to make such an important purchase.
Through insight, the key motivators of ‘ease’ and ‘affordability’ were identified as being important factors to the target market.

The UK average open rate for email is 24%, all of our tests achieved over 39%.

Improving customer experiences
In line with customer profiling, we designed mobile-first and ensured universal usability for all devices. Our creative solutions focused on ease of payment and affordability, messaging with 0% finance and flexible finance options. Clarity was vital. Our messages were eye-catching and the subject was clear at a glance.

Ease of use was paramount
We tested the creative routes and layouts as well as bite-sized paragraphs of targeted copy, to improve accessibility and usability. Key features and benefits were highlighted in coloured pods. These were fantastic for catching the attention of this time-poor audience.
Proving that e-marketing can still deliver
All three of our test emails out-performed the existing best performing email for open rates and click-through rates. Showing that creativity, clarity of message and subject titles are more important than ever.